CoYOUnity Aghase Challenge
(Get ready to come hard!) (And EARN hard!)
The boys work so very hard to create an entertaining, intimate, and powerful show of dedication to their fans and craft. They put their all in, and for 3 months will be dedicating their lives to you, the fan. So, in return, why not take the Aghase CoYOUnity challenge; giving your all and working hard in return for their loyalty to their fans?
There are two challenge levels to choose from. The Aghase Memory Challenge deals with development of memory and knowlege. The Aghase Skill Challenge is designed to hone ones craft, and develop ones artistry.
Aghase memory challenge:
1) Memorize 50 states and capitals
2) Memorize the 44 Presidents and Vice Presidents
Aghase Skill Challenge
1) Draw a book of atleast 20 pages, full original art, depicting any kpop group of your choice, as superheroes to education, with written story line.
2) Compose 3 original songs with an original beat (nothing profane)
What do you get in return? (The burning question)
$25 coyounity dollars towards KPOP merch, with a chance to win tickets to The GOT7 world tour 2018, kicking off this May. Since supplies are limited, we only have spots for 20 participants. Sign up for a chance to participate.
To enter the CoYOUnity Aghase challenge click here.
Want to look at our KPOP merch? Click here.
Why does CoYOUnity support KPOP?
Well first off they follow the 3 I's. Read about them HERE.
There are a multitude of musical influences saturating our youth of today. Face it. The millennials of this generation are terribly smart and can access anything on the World Wide Web, tv, radio, and print. A vast and startling majority of the music children are exposed to is profane, glorifies sex, drug use, and violence. This type of music is dangerous as it sets the tone that acting precariously has no recourse. But it does! If you use drugs, you become an addict, and depressed, dependent on the drug just to get out of bed. If you use violence, people get hurt and you most likely get thrown in jail or injured yourself, or both. If you participate in illicit activities like (cover your ears kids) S.E.X, you catch diseases, have pregnancies before you are equipped to take care of them, and raise a new generation of kids who are ill prepared to handle life's problems. The artists in the industry today are being egregiously irresponsible with their message. But KPOP is bubble gum, happy, emotional, melodic, and promotes the exploration of other cultures. When youth listen to KPOP, they develop an interest in learning the Korean language. We here at CoYOUnity believe that KPOP has a positive impact on the happiness levels, and curiosity of our youth and we can get behind that! We support that!
So fangirl/fanboy on, learn your Hangeul, learn and explore other people, cultures, and interest, and learn and earn some KPOP merch!