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The 3 I's. Inspire, Influence, Intrigue
Every day you use the 3 I's. They can be used negatively or positively.
You inspire: Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.
Negative inspiration: I.E inspiring a child to make money "by any means neccessary".
Positive inspiration: I.E Inspiring a child to find a job that makes them happy.
You influence: Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.
Negative influence: I.E influencing a child to be selfish and to survive.
Positive influence: I.E influencing a child to be creative and share.
You intrigue: Intrigue is the arousal of interest or curiosity.
Negative intrigue: I.E Intriguing a child into exploring drugs.
Positive intrigue: I.E intriguing a child into exploring physics.
What will you use your 3 I's for?

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